Physical Parameters:
Water Bath, Turbidity meter, Desiccators, Thermometer, Centrifuge, pH Meter, Oil and Grease Detection Set, Analytical Electronic Balance 0.1 mg (Shimadzu) (Cap.200g) Shimadzu 0.01g (300g), Chemical Balance 2.0g (Cap. 500 g), Gooch Crucible & vacuum pump assembly for suspended solids, 0.01 mg balance required for 2.5 µ particulate matter
Chemical Parameters:
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Spectrophotometer, Gas-Liquid Chromatograph (GC), Hot Air Oven, Distillation Unit, Heating Mantles, Magnetic stirrers, COD Digestion Apparatus (Air Reflux-15 nos. units), Bomb Calorimeter, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Meter, Flame Photometer, Conductivity Meter, Muffle Furnace, Filtration Assembly, Fluoride Distillation Assembly, Cyanide Distillation Assembly, Ammonia Distillation Assembly, Kjeldahl Nitrogen Assembly, Distilled Water Unit, Arsenic Estimation Assembly (Gutzeit Generator), Semi-micro Nitrogen Estimation Assembly, Vacuum Filtration Pump, Phenol Distillation Assembly, Hot Plate.
Biological Parameters:
Fish Pond aerator, BOD Incubator, Plankton Net, Niskin type Depth Water Sampler, Peterson Grab mud sampler.
Bacteriological Parameters:
Auto Clave, Laminar Air Flow, Dissection Microscope, Bacteriological Incubator.
Ambient Air Monitoring:
High Volume Sampler (HVS), Respiratory Particulate Matter Sampler (PM10, PM2.5 Sampler), Orifice Kit For calibration for High Volume sampler (HVS), Handy Sampler.
Land Use Mapping:
Global Positioning System GPS (Garmin Make, Model – e Trex).
Stack Monitoring Kits, ORSAT for Gas Analysis, Spectrophotometer, VOC meter, flue gas analyser for CO2, O2 etc.
Meteorological Monitoring:
Continuous online Weather Logger with graphic capability, Wind Anemometer, Maximum and Minimum Thermometers, Dry and Wet Thermometers, Hygrometer, Aneroid Barometer, Wind vanes, Svenson's screen, Automatic Rain Gauge Weather Logger, Noise Level Meter.
Sieve Analysis Test, Permeability, Porosity, Water Holding Capacity, Instruments for various chemical/physical analysis, cation exchange capacity
Hazardous Chemicals:
Vacuum pump, Vacuum pump (flame proof), Hearing mantles, Glass ware for detection of hazardous chemicals like Cyanide, Nickel and Chromium.
Keen Apparatus, Permeability Apparatus, Core Cutters.
Ambient Air/ Fugitive Emission:
Oxides of Nitrogen(NOX), Particulate Matter (PM10, PM2.5), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2),Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Ammonia(NH4), Total Hydrocarbon, Acid Mist, HF, Fluoride, Chlorine, Respirable Particulate Matter, VOC, PM2.5, Lead, Arsenic, Nickel, Benzene, Ozone etc.
Stack Gases/ Source Emission:
Particulate Matter (PM), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX), Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Ammonia (NH4),Velocity, Acid Mist, Fluoride, HF, Chlorine, Carbon Monoxide etc.
Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, and Inversion Height.
Physical Tests:
Colour, Conductivity, pH value, Suspended Solids, Settleable Solids Sludge Volume Index, Salinity, Total Solids, Temperature, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids at 180°C, Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS), Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS)
Chemical Tests General:
Acidity, Alkalinity, Ammonia, Nitrogen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Bromide, Chloride, Chlorine Demand, Chlorine Residual, Cyanide, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluoride, Hardness (Total and Calcium), Iodide (Traces), Nitrogen, (Organic), Nitrogen Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrate, Oil and Grease, Phosphate, Sulphate, Sulphide, Sulphite, Silica.
Chemical Tests- Metals:
Arsenic, Aluminium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium – Total & Chromium (Hexavalent), Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Vanadium etc.
Microbiological Parameters:
Total Coliforms, Total Plate Count, Faecal Coliform Organisms (MPN), E-coli, Faecal streptococci, Pseudomonas salmonella, Sulphate reducing bacteria.
- Determination of presence/absence of Coliforms in a given sample (Water, Soil, Sewage, etc.)
- MPN Test (Most Probable Number): An Indication of sewage contamination in a given sample to determine the potability of the water sample.
- Determination of presence/absence of pathogenic microorganisms in a sample of water etc.
Biological Parameters:
Benthic Organisms Count, Chlorophyll Estimation, Estimation of various Diversity Indices, Microphytic Identification, Planktonic Count, Primary Productivity, Macrophytic Identification.
Bioassay of Toxic Pollutants:
Toxicity of Industrial effluent on fish.
Effluent Treatment:
- Microbiological treatability of effluent samples
- Determination of total microbial count and the correlation between MLSS and the total microbial count in a sample drawn from the effluent treatment plant.
Efficacy of the existing biomass in an ETP and scope for improvement.
Biomass Culture Development: Individual assignments biological removal of colour from the effluent.
Process Re-engineering and Waste Minimization:
- Analysis of processes in industries using organic raw material with special emphasis on recycling of wastes.
- Study of alternative raw material/processes for industries with high organic effluents and its relation to bio-degradability
Determination of possible microbial contamination in term total microbial counts.
Testing of raw materials, finished products for the presence of microorganisms.
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management:
Biodegradability of solid wastes and effects of leachates on plants, microorganisms and ground water.
Soil Test:
Water holding capacity, Permeability, Cation Exchange Capacity, Porosity, Conductivity, pH, Moisture, NPK ratio.